About Us

’’Google Capital is an autonomous platform driven by state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technology derived from Google. Our platform is built on the most advanced AI innovations, and it operates independently, free from any influence or control from Google. At Google Capital, we are dedicated to providing our users with a transparent and secure environment for their financial endeavors’’

Customer Service, done right.

To us, service is very personal. More than just support, we are committed to customer engagement that provides significant value. Since 2004 we’ve focused on the background details to ensure your trading experience is second to none. We know when you are trading, every split second matters. It is our goal to provide you with direct access to each one of our representatives so they can answer your questions in a timely and professional manner.

Join Us

At GoogleCapital, we are a team of knowledgeable and driven individuals dedicated to helping our clients reach their trading goals. Learn more about opportunities to join our talented team.

Sterling Trader Pro

Peace of Mind, More Opportunity

  1. Exceptional Customer Service
    We strive to provide immediate assistance to give you a competitive edge. We go the extra mile to give you peace of mind.
  2. Exceptional Speed
    Our team responds in a matter of seconds with precise and accurate information.
  3. Exceptional Savings
    We are not here to simply fulfill a request. We have your best interests in mind when working with you.

Ready to get started?