Frequently Asked Questions

Get quick answers to the most common questions from our clients, but know that we are always ready to answer your questions directly via phone call or our live chat feature on

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I open an account with GoogleCapital, Inc.?

Click on “Open an Account” in the menu bar and follow the instructions to open the account online.

How do I fund my trading account?

You may fund your GoogleCapital account using any digital currency of your choice listed on the deposit page

When can I begin trading?

Once the account has been approved and funded, you can activate any trading contract of your choice

How is Google Capital positioned to help ensure my investments are well protected?

Google Capital is a wholly owned subsidiary of The GOOGLE LLC Corporation, a financially stable company committed to its continued financial health and serving its clients. The secret to Google Trader’s success is that it uses the same original algorithm as the Google search engine. The Corporation’s capital structure and liquidity are sound, and we continue to operate the firm to minimize investment risks. All customer accounts at Google Trade are protected by SEC and FINRA regulations which prevent brokerage firms from using customer assets to finance their own proprietary businesses. Moreover, customers’ securities are segregated from Google’s own assets in accordance with the SEC’s Customer Protection Rule.

Specific to the GoogleCapital broker dealer:
Additionally, Google Capital provides each client $149.5 million worth of protection for securities and $2 million of protection for cash through supplemental coverage provided by London insurers.

What is the fastest way to open a new account?

Opening an account online is the fastest way to open and fund an account. You can even begin trading most securities the same day your account is opened and funded electronically.

What types of investments can I make with a Google Capital account?

Google Capital offers a comprehensive and diverse selection of investment products. You can trade stocks, forex, shares, Energies, NFP, and CDs in a standard account

Is my account protected?

If you lose cash or securities from your account due to unauthorized activity, we'll reimburse you for the cash or shares of securities you lost. We offer you this protection, which adds to the provisions that already govern your account, in case unauthorized activity ever occurs and it was through no fault of your own.

Who can I contact with questions?

To contact a representative at GoogleCapital, Inc., please use the chat box on the site you can also see information at contact us.(clickable)

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